Friday, 8 October 2021

Our Amber Flag Journey 2021/22

With the help of last years committee, we secured the school’s first ever Amber Flag. We are so proud to now showcase this flag outside our school. This year, we hope to organise more initiatives and events, which further promote our commitment to the Amber Flag.  

A new academic year brings about a new Amber Flag Committee!

This year our committee will be even more visible around the school, with the addition of our Amber Flag Committee Bibs. All committee members have been given a bib to wear on the school yard. This allows peers to quickly identify someone they can talk to or someone they can ask for help, if the need arises. 

World Mental Health Day

To mark World Mental Health Day on October 10th, the Amber Flag committee organised a poster competition. Children from 2nd to 6th Class were tasked with creating a poster, which showcased what the Amber Flag means to them. 

Posters illustrated

  • Pupil’s interests
  • What makes them happy
  • How to be kind to themselves and to one another 
  • The importance of asking for help, by talking to someone 
The committee was inundated with posters, so they found it very hard to pick only a few winners. Instead, they voted to create a display which celebrated the theme of kindness, with the words ‘Be Kind’.

Thank you to everyone who contributed their artwork and to teachers who kindly supported the initiative. Have a look at a sample of our wonderful posters below: