Saturday 7th May 2022, marked a very special date in the calendar for Monivea National School with First Holy Communion taking place. The sun shone and the children and their families looked fabulous.
A huge thank you to Mr. Brian O Donnell and Mr David Wallace for all their hard work and preparation to create such a wonderful day. Thank you to Lorraine for all her hard work creating the booklets and to all the SNA's and staff who helped with the overall preparation to make the day such a wonderful success. Thank you to Harry Monson for the beautiful music. Sincere thanks to Fr Ronnie for delivering a beautiful heartfelt ceremony and for the beautiful individualised treats for the children. Thank you to Michael and Áine, our wonderful mass servers.
Finally, a huge thank you to all the children and their families for making the event so special. We hope you all had a wonderful day!!!